Our sponsors are people like you who have made the decision to stand with Talita Cumi by personally investing in the needs of a child here at the home. Sponsors’ monthly donations help us provide food, clothing, shelter, emotional care through therapy sessions, schooling, and relationships with staff who genuinely love and care about them. We ask sponsors to commit to donating $50 a month, though if a sponsor is willing, more than that is greatly appreciated.
We believe in a holistic method of care, and therefore it is our belief that a balanced life includes physical, spiritual, and emotional health. We have divided these further into five categories: spiritual growth, life skills, education, physical well-being, and healthy relationships.
We at the Home are able to be active and present in all five areas, but we know that God has called you to other areas of the world. It is with this in mind that we suggest that you can still be a part of our community, even from a distance. We ask that you might pray for us, remembering those children and staff who are here day in and day out.
However, if simply being a prayer warrior for us is not enough for you, or if you feel a special calling or connection to our children, we ask that you might consider becoming a sponsor. Being a Talita Cumi sponsor gives you the opportunity to minister to our children on all five levels, even from afar. Your financial support gives us the means to care for their physical well-being, education and life skills; your prayer support enables you to serve as a spiritual advocate, and your letters and photos (and visits!) provide on the relational level.
On the Family page, we have a recent photo of each child. Take a look through them and if you feel a connection to a specific child, please contact us. (Please note that we also assign sponsorships based on need).
We encourage you to pray about becoming a sponsor to one of our children. It takes a family to raise a child. We ask that you consider becoming a part of our “family.” Dios le bendiga (God bless you).